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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why did NFLX trade go bust. After a long consideration of this trade, we where on the wrong side of this this trade and should have cut our losses. This trade was placed after the earnings report which was good and the market responded with the stock moving higher. We decided to play the gap fade at the open and 10:30am fade. Well the fade at the open would have been the better and best trade of the day. But we fell short, taking the later trade and got caught in the machine wash.
Bouncing all over the place and going higher, the stock went. We believe it was the end of the month thing the institutions need to push something higher, as AAPL and GOOG reported they were punished, as well was AMZN.
NFLX for some reason does not play fair, sofar in this market. They had a 25% float short sell and the outgoing CFO, stated that you should not be short this stock. There are far move ppl staying at home, due to the economic times.