Is a private-equity research firm.
The charts provided here are not meant for investment purpose(s) and only serve as technical examples. Trader Disclosure: See below for our Legal / Disclaimer.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

EU - Conference

Speaking at the press conference, Sarkozy says the IMF (i.e. U.S., maybe China too) will partner with the EU to provide additional bailout funds. Of interest is that the 50% haircut is only for privately held Greek paper - i.e. it does not apply to ECB and IMF holdings.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

AAPL 395 OCT P - OptionEx

AAPL is still having some issues with a recovery, as they are in the 12 Steps Program. There are some nice returns on the Weekly Options side, but with the current Whack-A-Mole conditions in this market, Scalping is a better play. The profits could have been easily a investment on capital loss, as well.

Keep the Powder Dry....

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The FED Budget was pull and delay by one (1) day. What ever that was about this company will be releasing on 10/18.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

GS - Earnings InPLay

JPM release earnings on 10/13 in the morning with a Conference Call at 10:00AM ET. GS appears to be back into a sideways consolidation action.. GS release their earnings on 10/18.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

NFLX Prems Sux

NFLX opened up to the downside and attempted to rally a few times during the day, based on the end of day. The stock put in a gain to 108 and change. FastMoney was talking about add on puts. So many think this is a short term bottom put in for this company. That maybe the case for the weekly option holders.

We picked up some NFLX at 1.10 and this option closed at .35 sux out of the perms on this one. Price is above the moving averages and on the Daily Chart, its shows a clear and clean breakdown to the 2010 levels for this stock. Weeklies are toast and this stock underlying will be without ya'll.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

EcoNews This Week

PCX - Weekly Options Why ?!?

Its really unknown why this company has weekly options, but this company produced a great return on Friday before it expired on Friday. .28 cents per contract returned a .94 cents per contract on the close.

Option Lotto:

10 contracts @ .28 = 280 in
10 contracts @ .90 = 900 out
Gross/Net Profit $620 commission (not included)

*Remember 100 shares are in 1 option contract. So 10 contracts equal 1,000 shares of underlying stock or index.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

SPY - EcoNews

Just have to wait and see how the Jobs Number looks in the morning.

BAC - Wild Card Weekly Option

BAC Bank Of America has been in the news of late with all the Home Loans and CDS and Fleecing the common saver. Day was a fire sale on the BAC 6 OCT WK C.

You could have been in at .05 - .07 range and gotten out at .30 - .32; would have been a nice way to end a week of trading this prozac market.

AAPL - Prior Closing Weekly Puts

AAPL was down in pre market by 6 points, however before the bell the AAPL was just down 2 point on the open. The Weekly options Call closed out at .67 and the Puts closed out at .55; the day before.

Well, the Calls high for the was over 2.00 and the Puts high for the day was over 1.00 per contract, remember these were weeklies and they needed to be closed out before the prems were sucked out of them as you can see where they both closed out at.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

SPY - Prior To Oct 11 - "Volcker rule"

In the morning we have Initial Jobs Numbers and ECB Speaks...

AAPL - Passing of Steve Jobs

8:00 PM Apple's (AAPL) memorial site for Steve Jobs, who has died at the age of 56: "Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being... Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple." (WSJ obituary)

7:37 PM Steve Jobs has died, AP reports Apple (AAPL) has said. Updated 7:40 p.m.: A short statement from Apple's board.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

SPY - Stagged a Last Mintue Rally

Big Deal, you say.

How Much Is This Option Worth

A question I get asked quite often is – “How Much Is This Option Worth?” Its not hard to find out this information, as your trading platform should provide this information to you .

You can use this information for gaps up and gaps down. As options, do not trade in the "Pre-Market" You need to know what the delta is for your strike price, here is a simple calculation. In the above example AAPL, was trading late after the announcement of the next IPhone.

2011 Oct 07 360.00 Call for Apple Inc

Delta: 0.77 ( Delta tells you how much the option will move with a dollar move in the underlying Stock or Index)


Point Value Move of the Underlying Stock or Index: 9

Current Market Price

Entry Price: 6


Looks like this

9 x .77 = 6.93 + 6 = 12.93 Gap Up (round to the near number = 12.90 exit price of better). Also, the reverse would be to subtract, if AAPL continued in a decline.

Quite simply, the delta represents the change in dollar value of the option as AAPL stock or index moves up or down $1.00. Remember, the delta is based on a $1.00 stock or index movement. If AAPL or index had increase only $.50, the delta is cut in half.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Online Brokerage System Failures: Delays Could Harm Our Option Business

Volatility in this market is getting pretty high, which is good in a sense of trading an option. In recent weeks we have noticed that there are times when our Online Trading Platform has frozen out, or logged us off. Or, whatever you have seen in your own experiences. What happens next is you call your back office “Broker Jockey”. Goes sometime like John “I just got logged off the system, what that about?” John “We are have issue with the internet provider and are trying to resolve it”.. So, You ask: Your Trading Platform is up and running? WTF John also so adds: “I can assist you with a trade, $$ in Broker Jockey – Eyes”...

So, as of late, retail traders have been experiencing system outages, from there Online brokerage firms. We personally have experienced two occasions with two different Online brokerage firms we deal with. And luckily they have been on two different days and times.

As a Retail Trader, your business is depends on the continued reliability of the Internet infrastructure. We receive and process trade orders through a variety of electronic channels. Our online trading services are heavily dependent on the integrity of the systems supporting them.

However, you ever read your brokerage statement on the it's Internet Infrastructure?

Standard Practice Statement in an Online Brokerage Agreement.


Our disaster recovery planning cannot account for all eventualities. In addition, extraordinary trading volumes could cause our computer systems to operate at an unacceptably low speed or even fail. While we have invested significant amounts to upgrade the reliability and scalability of our systems, there can be no assurance that our systems will be sufficient to handle such extraordinary trading volumes”.

This what we do, how are you going to tell us your systems are unable to handle “extraordinary trading volumes.”

Our systems and operations, including our Web servers, and those of our third-party service providers are vulnerable to damage or interruption from human error, sabotage, encryption failures, break-ins, intentional acts of vandalism, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, floods, fires, power loss, telecommunications failures, computer viruses, computer denial of service attacks or other attempts to harm our systems and operations, and similar events”.

Sure there are natural causes, with a grain of salt, as well


Internet infrastructure may be unable to support the demands placed on it if the number of Internet users continues to increase, or if existing or future Internet users access the Internet more often or increase their bandwidth requirements. In addition, viruses, worms and similar programs may harm the performance of the Internet.

The Internet has experienced a variety of outages and other delays as a result of damage to portions of its infrastructure, and it could face outages and delays in the future. These outages and delays could reduce the level of Internet usage and our business could be materially adversely affected.

This includes maintenance of a reliable network backbone with the necessary speed, data capacity and security for providing reliable Internet services.

Financial Losses are not an option in our business, sure you can have a backup plan for a Earthquakes, Floods, Fires. Where is the Nearest Brokerage Office? But, “Unable to handle “extraordinary trading volumes.” WTF!!

Options Expiration: What Happens If I Don't Close An Option Trade Before Expiration

If you trade options (Weeklies or Monthlies to LEAPS), it's imperative that you understand the basics of exercise and assignment. As you know from the basic definition of options, gives its owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy the stock at the strike price
  • Exercise is the term used when the owner (i.e. someone who has a long position in a call or put) uses his right to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) the stock.
  • Assignment is the term used when someone who is forced to sell (in the case of the call) or buy (in the case of a put) the stock.

Remember, for every option trade there is a buyer and a seller, so if you are short an option, there is someone out there who is long that option and who could exercise.

Major Key thing to remember is that, on expiration, brokerage firms will automatically exercise any equity option that is $0.01 or more in-the-money.

Options exercise takes place officially on Saturday night.

What this means is that your options will be converted into shares and you will become a proud stock owner!

You can be potentially obligated to outlay a lot of money to buy stock. Specifically, trading 10 contracts (1 contract is worth 100 underlying shares of stock). So you would be obligated to buy 10 x 100 = 1,000 at (the strike price).

That comes out to a whopping outlay of cash!

Major Key: Close them out.