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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

GS closed below our target price of $140 per share, we now look forward to seeing what will happen in the next couple of days. Major support level for this stock is at $139.55; if this does not hold then we are looking for $133.00 as next level of support.

We have two days (Thursday and Friday), options expiration day on Friday (especially). The $140 strike price is the closes to the pin and it may hoover around the area until options expiration day on Friday, also GS has paid back TARP Program monies, which will be a hurt to the 2nd Quarter numbers. However, we believe this maybe a good thing for the company. Also, new rules financial rules, also, will way on the stock. But GS has already figured it all out, they possible wrote most or all of it. LOL. GS after-hours steady, for now, at the time of this post.

Earnings are due in the next couple of days.