AAPL didn't take to much of a dip today, so where do we go from here... AMZN just relased the Kindle Fire one day earlier, though the Kindle Fire is receiving less-than-glowing reviews, Amazon (AMZN +1.7%) is outperforming today, while Barnes & Noble (BKS -2.7%) is selling off after rallying strongly last week (I, II). An in-depth Wired interview with Jeff Bezos, in which he goes over Amazon's hardware, content, and web services strategies, could be giving bulls some encouragement.
- 7:44 AM The first reviews for Amazon's (AMZN) Kindle Fire are ambivalent. "The Fire does not have anything like the polish or speed of an iPad (AAPL)," says the NYT's David Pogue. Engadget calls the device "a great value," and loves its content integration, but also writes, "When stacked up against other popular tablets, the Fire can't compete."
- Sunday 8:37 AM While "the pricey Android" guys are likely to feel the immediate brunt of the $199 Kindle Fire (AMZN), Brooke Crothers believes the iPad (AAPL) will be vulnerable in the longer term. The impact is "as inevitable as the $999 MacBook Air," which began life in the $1,800-$3,000 range.