Delta and Theta are the two most important indicative selection to an option over the weekend. One Theta is the time decay of the option over the day that it does not trade and days that it trades.
So we will be losing around $20 - $21 dollars per 1 contract held in NFLX in this example.. NFLX needs to over come this with a 5-10 price swings which its capable of doing.
Call Theta is .21. 100 equal number of share in 1 (one) contract for the option. .21 x 100 = $21.00
lose of value per day (this includes weekends).
Call Delta is .41 100 equal number of shares in 1 (one) contract for the option. .41 x 100 = $41.00 stock price must move 1 dollar per share to get .41 move in the option.
Same thing works for the Puts, as well.
So in closing, the Delta is high enough to overcome the Theta (Time Decay) if the underlyn stock can move 1 points or more in a session.