Well the call options were very much in the profit zone for today. Price closed on the daily chart above the 10-day, 50-day MA. There looks to be some minor resistance at the 20-day MA. Will see if this hold for Wednesday, there are alot of thing in the news on Wed. Market-to-Mark is to be look at; Ben stated this morning he would not support it. Asst Treasure is speaking at 10AM ET. VIX is below 50 and currently at time of writing in the 40's.
85.28 +11.33
Mar 11, 2009 @ 01:17 ET
Bid 83.25 Ask 0.0 Size 1x0 Vol 35007177
09 Mar 85.00 (GS CQ-E) 5.35 +3.60 5.30 5.40 3935 8717
09 Mar 90.00 (GS CR-E) 3.05 +2.15 3.00 3.10 4516 20662
Interesting thing about C is that if I was getting money from the government, I better show a profit in the first couple of months or weeks, if I had received this money, or I would likely not get more as my counterpart AIG did. Let back everything out "Government Money" and let see what we have; pretty much same thing.